You squint your eyes at the empty houses from your porch. Most of your neighbors are away for the summer, leaving their usually lively houses hollow and dark. Only faint wisps of color are left behind on their driveways where there were once grand sidewalk chalk murals, created by the neighborhood children. In your opinion, these children are horrible amatures and their chalk shit is trash. They would keel over at the sight of your sketchbook.

It does feel a little empty with those little gremlins gone, however.

The streetlights start to flick off, one by one, shrouding the street in darkness. At this time of night, they usually did, as no one was expected to be out. Apparently the streetlights couldn't care less about your midnight ponderings.

Without the usual light pollution, the ground off of your porch is just a void with no distinguishable start or end. This probably isn't the best night to get off of the porch, tripping and humiliating yourself in front of whatever presence of silence was haunting your street was a chance you don't want to take.

You look up at the sky.

Pinkish and purple rifts tear through the night sky, glittered with what had to be millions of little stars. You knew that extra light in the area made it harder to see certain stars, but you had never known before that all of this was obscured beneath the safety blanket of streetlights and lamps and backyard bonfires. The galactical swirls seem so intracetely woven, with a star in every place it seemed there should be one. If the universe really was random, the chances of it accomplishing this perfect beauty were slim to none. You are entranced by the wonders of the night. How dare humanity cover this up.

Your phone buzzes, effectively fucking up the magic. Who's bright idea was it to text you at this time?

jonas. r u awake.

It is your insufferable classmate. Alex.

Alex, in your eyes unfit to be taking classes at all, was disorganized, messy, unacommplished, and very diffucult. He made a point to make his own patches and repair his clothes himself, loudly announce his opinions on things, and listen to music too loudly.

Enough thinking about Alex. Back to appreciating the silence of the night. Where were you? Oh, yes, humanity is awful. And the night is breathtaking. You hold your hand over the splintery railing of the porch to bathe it in moonlight. Your pale skin glistens as if you are one with the celestial beauty.

jonas!! ur thing says online r u online

How did he even get your number?

! this chapter is currently under construction ! links do not yet work and chapter is not finished. think of this as a preveiw of what's to come.